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Pest Management

We use sound integrated pest management (IPM) practices, along with common sense and many years of experience as a PCA and grower, to manage pests in your fields. Our insecticide, herbicide, and fungicide materials and modes of action have become more complex and specific to target species, so proper pest identification and material selection is critical to your success.

Resistance management is important to preserve the efficacy of the great materials we have available, and we practice rotation of chemical modes of action to prevent resistance where possible. Rotating modes of action among different chemistries, recognizing and preserving beneficial insects, and treating only when necessary are all management strategies that lead to long term success in your operation.

The solution to effective pest management does not always come in a jug. Knowing the pest life cycle, the consequences of treating or not treating, and the risk associated with that decision is important, and a big part of our pest management strategy.

Growers Choice Crop Consulting
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