At Grower’s Choice Crop Consulting, we build customized soil fertility recommendations based on the results of soil tests, tissue samples, current crop conditions, and the client’s long term goals.
Through the responsible use of commercial fertilizers, soil amendments, composts, and cover crops, soil health and fertility can be improved over time, leading to increased production and profitability.
We use a variety of soil labs in our soil sampling program, and design a fertility and soil improvement program specific to the client’s goals and budget for each field. One soil lab we use employs a soil fertility philosophy that focuses on amending and modifying soil properties in a multi season approach. The goal is to create an optimum soil nutrient balance, in a way “feeding the soil” to feed the crop.
Other labs we use are more traditional, in that they provide recommendations based on annual crop usage and removal rates. For all soil test results, we provide interpretation and recommendations specific to your needs.
Annual tissue samples provide a snapshot of plant health, in terms of nutritional status, for your crop each year. Plant tissue samples are one of the best tools we have to evaluate crop health and fertility program results, and are one measure by which we gauge success. Sample results can be taken early enough in the season to predict nutrient deficiencies, and take corrective measures before the crop experiences a shortage.
Soil sampling for harmful nematode populations is another service we’ve offered for years, and those tests are useful in preventing and diagnosing problems. In the area of soil health, new technologies are allowing us to easily test for other harmful soil microorganisms, such as Phytophthora and Pythium, so that soil borne problems can be addressed before they are able to damage the crop. In addition, this same detection technology is being used to build a data base of beneficial soil microorganisms common to our best soils that will be used to evaluate other soils in terms of their biological health for crops. It’s a new and exciting frontier, and we’re excited to work with researchers and companies that are pioneers in this area.
Whatever you level of interest and goals are in fertility, soil, and crop health, we are able to develop a fertility program to meet your needs.